The Committee

The National Solemn Assembly Committee
P.O. Box 1139 • Murphys, CA 95247


The Need
The Plan
Call to Assembly
A Case Study
A Manifesto
The Committee
My Response


All National Solemn Assembly Committeemen and city chairmen are expected to be theologically orthodox and to hold to the historical view of the Bible. Thus they are asked to agree with the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy's (ICBI) Chicago Statement on Inerrancy (1978) and the 42 Articles of Historic Christian Doctrine and be willing to live by the Bible in their private & ministry lives.

At this early stage, our National Solemn Assembly Committee consists of these men.

Rev. John Anderson, President, Cry Ministries
Dr. Ted Baehr,  President, Christian Film and Television Commission
Mr. John Beckett, Chairman, Intercessors for America
Dr. Wellington Boone, President, Fellowship of International Churches
Rev. Pierre Bynum, President, Capitol Hill Prayer Alert
Dr. John Eidsmoe, Professor, Senior Staff Attorney, Alabama Supreme Court
Dr. Duane Gish, Vice President, Institute for Creation Research
Dr. George Grant, Pastor, Christ Community Church
Dr. Jay Grimstead, Founder-Director, Coalition on Revival
Rev. Eric Holmberg, President, The Apologetics Group
Hon. Judge Roy Moore, President, Foundation for Moral Law
Mr. Gerald Nordskog, President, Nordskog Publishing Inc.
Mr. Tony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
Dr. Richard Owen Roberts, President, International Awakening Ministries
Dr. Robert Simonds, President, Citizens for Excellence in Education.
Mr. Tim Wildmon, President, American Family Association

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